24*7 Claim Notifications

24*7 Claim Notifications

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Best Claim settlement Awards 2022

Best Claim settlement Awards 2022

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Shriram Liability Insurance Policy

Shriram Householder’s Umbrella Package Insurance policy covers a wide range of losses/damages with extensive risk coverage plans. An umbrella insurance policy makes every penny worth it for a landlord who wishes to protect their property with an enhanced protection cover

Professional Indemnity – For Doctors/Non-Doctors

The professional indemnity insurance policy protects the insured from any legal liability that results from errors, omissions or negligence while rendering professional services during the policy period. This policy also covers legal costs and expenses incurred with the insurer's prior consent. It is not permitted to issue professional indemnity insurance policies with unlimited liability. The professional indemnity policy is suitable for professionals such as Doctors, Medical Practitioners, Engineers, Architects, Chartered Accountants, Cost Accountants, Management Consultants, Lawyers, etc.


  • Third-party bodily injury and property damage due to act of negligence, error or omission


  • Services rendered under the influence of intoxicants or narcotics
  • Deliberate, wilful or intentional non-compliance with any statutory provision
  • All personal injuries such as libel, arrest, wrongful eviction, mental injury, anguish or shock
  • Any dishonest, fraudulent or malicious act
  • Any condition caused by or associated with AIDS
  • Non-compliance with technical standards commonly observed in professional practice, laid down by law or regulated by official bodies
  • Professional services rendered by the insured prior to the Retroactive Date in the Schedule
  • Fines, penalties, punitive or exemplary damages
  • Any criminal act
  • Any third-party public liability
  • Loss of goodwill, loss of market, etc.
  • War and nuclear perils

Commercial General Liability

A commercial general liability insurance policy protects all persons/ firms/ associations/ companies that own, operate or engage in commercial activities and seek to protect the third-party bodily injury and property damage. The client opts for the Limit of Indemnity (Sum Insured) with a maximum ratio of 1:4 between Any One Accident (AOA) and Any One Year (AOY). There is a fixed sum insured limit per accident and per policy period, known as AOA and AOY, respectively. The various coverages include

  • Bodily injury and property damage liability
  • Personal and advertising injury liability
  • Tenants legal liability
  • Errors and omission liability


  • Bodily injury or property damages on the insured's premises
  • Any errors & omissions arising out of any commercial activity
  • Any personal or advertising injury caused to third-party
  • Defence Costs within the limit of liability
  • Any liability arising out of product operations


  • Any act due to negligence
  • Breach of the law
  • War and allied perils

Product Liability

A product liability policy provides coverage for third-party legal liability arising from injury or harm caused by a business product. The policy protects the organisation from third-party liabilities and covers legal costs associated with them


  • Accidental death/bodily injury or disease to any third-party
  • Accidental damage to third-party property


  • Costs incurred due to repair, reconditioning, modification or replacement of any defective product
  • Fines, penalties, punitive and/or exemplary damages
  • Deliberate, wilful or intentional non-compliance with any statutory provision
  • Financial loss, such as loss of goodwill, loss of market, etc.

Public Liability – Non-Industrial

All persons/ firms/ associations/ companies that operate or engage in commercial activities and seek to protect the third-party bodily injury and property damage can opt for a public liability (non-industrial) policy

The defence costs will be covered within the overall aggregated insurance limit subject to a maximum of 25% of the overall aggregate limit

The various add-on covers include Notification Extension Clause, Extended Claim Reporting Clause, Food and Beverage Extension Care, Control and Custody Extension and Extra Facilities Extension

Limit of Indemnity

Any One Accident

Any One Year = Four times the AOA limit

Ratio AOA: AOY= 1: 4 (maximum limit)


  1. 1. Fatal Rs. 25,000/- per person + Medical expenses up to Rs. 12,500/-
  2. 2. Total Partial Disability (TPD) - Rs. 25,000/- per person + Medical expenses Rs. 12,500/-
  3. 3. Loss of earning maximum 1000/- per month (only if hospitalised for more than three days)
  4. 4. Property damage - Rs. 6,000/-


  • Any injury/property damages within the insured's premises


  • Pollution howsoever caused unless specifically covered
  • Product

Public Liability Act Policy

Under the Public Liability Insurance Act 1991, all companies/ individuals/ persons owning or dealing with hazardous goods are required to take an insurance policy satisfying the limits specified in the Act

The Central Government will define and notify the hazardous goods from time to time in terms of name and quality. Currently, the list (indicative and not exhaustive) is as per the schedule

Limit of Indemnity

Any One Accident - 5 crore maximum, paid-up capital minimum

Any One Year = Three times the AOA limit

Ratio AOA: AOY= 1: 3 (maximum 15 crore limit))


  • Any injury to the insured person due to fault/negligence


  • Any injury to the workers of the insured person is not covered

Workmen’s Compensation Insurance

According to the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923, employers provide compensation to their employees during unforeseen events such as accidents and diseases of occupation


  • Death
  • Temporary disability
  • Permanent total disability
  • Legal costs and expenses incurred with our consent
  • Permanent partial disability
  • A policy can also be extended to include medical expenses for necessary treatment


  • The insured's liability to the contractor's employees (specifically not covered in the policy document)
  • Any liability of the insured which is not mentioned in an agreement
  • War

Error and Omissions – For Medical Establishments

The policy will compensate the insured for any act committed by the professionals or qualified assistants engaged by the medical establishments, that gives rise to any third-party legal liabilities (as a result of error/omission). The list of medical establishments that are covered under this policy includes:

  • Laboratories and Diagnostic Centres
  • Hospitals
  • Mental Homes
  • Nursing / Convalescent Homes
  • Homes for Physically Disabled
  • Clinics
  • Dispensing Pharmacies
  • Veterinary Hospitals and/or Clinics


  • Any third-party injury/property damages within the insured's premises


  • Services rendered under the influence of intoxicants or narcotics
  • Claims under cosmetic plastic surgery, hair transplants, punch grafts, flap rotations, etc.
  • Any third-party public liability
  • War and nuclear risks
  • Any criminal act

Note: Please refer to the policy wording for detailed coverage, exclusions and conditions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is not covered under Shriram Liability Insurance policy?

Shriram Liability Insurance policy does not cover damages due to wilful criminal acts, negligence, omissions and so on

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Mohammed Salahuddin











Understanding Car Insurance Coverage for Side View Mirrors

Does Car Insurance Cover Side View Mirrors?

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A common question among car owners is: does Car Insurance cover side view mirrors? The answer is not a straightforward "yes" or "no"—it is determined by your policy type. In India, your chances of being covered are higher if you have Comprehensive Insurance. However, if you only have Third-Party coverage, you will have to pay out of pocket. Let us begin by going over the specifics, so you know what to expect when dealing with damaged side-view mirrors.

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Dashcam Buyers Guide: Everything You Must Know

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A dash cam is a compact in-car camera that records video footage while you drive, acting as an unbiased witness in case of accidents, disputes, or insurance claims. It enhances road safety, provides legal evidence, and helps protect you against fraudulent claims. While a dash cam does not directly lower insurance premiums in India, it can prevent unjust claim settlements that may otherwise affect your policy. Whether you are a daily commuter, a road-trip enthusiast, or a fleet operator, choosing the right dash cam requires understanding its types, features, pricing, and installation process. This dashcam buyers guide will help you navigate these factors so you can make an informed decision.

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Benefits of Using Parking Sensors and Cameras

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Among the many safety and convenience features that modern automobiles provide, parking sensors and cameras stand out as being particularly essential. Whether you're driving on a busy highway or navigating the city streets, these technologies are essential for improving driver awareness, lowering the chance of collisions, and making parking easier. Parking cameras and sensors are rapidly evolving from being optional extras to absolute necessities. This is due to the growing number of cars on Indian roadways, and the frequently congested parking conditions. Let us now examine the main advantages of these smart parking technologies in greater depth, and explore why they ought to be included as standard equipment in all vehicles.

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