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Shriram Fire Insurance Coverages

Choose the preferred add-on for enhanced protection at an additional premium with Shriram Fire Insurance policy

Types of Shriram Fire Insurance Coverages

Shriram Standard Fire and Special Perils Policy

The Standard Fire and Special Perils policy may cover various assets such as buildings, plant & mach stock and furniture, against loss or damage due to various unforeseen events such as fire, ligh explosion/implosion, aircraft damage, riot, strike and so on

  • What is Covered?
  • What is not Covered?

Fire, lightning, explosion/implosion


Aircraft damage


Riot, strike and malicious damage


Storms, cyclones, floods, tempests, hurricanes, tornados and inundation


Impact damage, subsidence and landslide including rockslide


Bursting and/or overflowing of water tanks, apparatus and pipes


Missile testing operations


Leakage from automatic sprinkler installations and bush-fire


Loss, destruction or damage caused by war/invasion


Act of foreign enemy hostilities or war-like operations (whether war be declared or not)


Civil war, mutiny or civil commotion


Military rising, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power

Industrial All Risk Policy

All industrial risks (other than risks rateable under Petrochemical Tariff) have an overall Sum Insured of Rs. 50 crores and above in one or more locations in India shall be eligible for the Industrial All Risks Policy

  • What is Covered?
  • What is not Covered?

Material Damage

  • Standard Fire & Special Perils
  • Burglary
  • Machinery Breakdown/Boiler Explosion/Electronic Equipment Insurance

Business Interruption

  • Fire Loss of Profit
  • Optional Cover: Machinery Loss of Profit

Faulty or defective design materials, inherent vice, latent defect, gradual deterioration, deformation, distortion, wear and tear


Interruption of the water supply, gas electricity, fuel systems or failure of the effluent disposal systems to and from the premise

Fire Loss of Profit Policy

The fire loss of profit policy operates in the event of damage to an insured's premises due to any event insured under the Standard Fire & Special Perils Policy, causing an interruption to the policy holder's business

  • What is Covered?
  • What is not Covered?

Loss of gross profit due to a reduction in turnover


The increased cost of working incurred in minimizing that loss of gross profit


Loss of wages


Lay off & retrenchment


Auditor/Accountant fees


Loss of goods lying at supplier's premises


Loss due to accidental failure of public electricity/gas/water supply


Loss, destruction or damage caused by war/invasion


Act of foreign enemy hostilities or war-like operations (whether war be declared or not)


Civil war, mutiny or civil commotion


Military rising, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you mean by Standard Fire and Special Perils policy?

A comprehensive standard fire and special perils policy covering the physical loss or damage to insured property caused by fire and other perils

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Mohammed Salahuddin











Understanding Car Insurance Coverage for Side View Mirrors

Does Car Insurance Cover Side View Mirrors?

Posted on 2025-03-21 12:58:37

A common question among car owners is: does Car Insurance cover side view mirrors? The answer is not a straightforward "yes" or "no"—it is determined by your policy type. In India, your chances of being covered are higher if you have Comprehensive Insurance. However, if you only have Third-Party coverage, you will have to pay out of pocket. Let us begin by going over the specifics, so you know what to expect when dealing with damaged side-view mirrors.

choosing the best dash cam: a complete guide

Dashcam Buyers Guide: Everything You Must Know

Posted on 2025-03-21 07:10:50

A dash cam is a compact in-car camera that records video footage while you drive, acting as an unbiased witness in case of accidents, disputes, or insurance claims. It enhances road safety, provides legal evidence, and helps protect you against fraudulent claims. While a dash cam does not directly lower insurance premiums in India, it can prevent unjust claim settlements that may otherwise affect your policy. Whether you are a daily commuter, a road-trip enthusiast, or a fleet operator, choosing the right dash cam requires understanding its types, features, pricing, and installation process. This dashcam buyers guide will help you navigate these factors so you can make an informed decision.

benefits of parking sensors and cameras

Benefits of Using Parking Sensors and Cameras

Posted on 2025-03-20 13:00:08

Among the many safety and convenience features that modern automobiles provide, parking sensors and cameras stand out as being particularly essential. Whether you're driving on a busy highway or navigating the city streets, these technologies are essential for improving driver awareness, lowering the chance of collisions, and making parking easier. Parking cameras and sensors are rapidly evolving from being optional extras to absolute necessities. This is due to the growing number of cars on Indian roadways, and the frequently congested parking conditions. Let us now examine the main advantages of these smart parking technologies in greater depth, and explore why they ought to be included as standard equipment in all vehicles.

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