9 Essential Foods to Consume for Good Health

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Food provides both energy and essential nutrients for our bodies. We all crave delicious and yummy foods, but the key question is whether we're making healthy choices. The World Health Organization (WHO) emphasises that a well-balanced diet, abundant in fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains and nuts, is crucial for preventing malnutrition and various health issues.
Many of us often find excuses for not consuming nutritious foods, citing our hectic schedules as a common reason. For those who believe they lack the time to prepare their meals and still wish to prioritize health, here's a list of foods that can assist you in making wise dietary choices.
Healthy foods
Nuts are a broad category of foods, and you can choose your favorite nuts like almonds, walnuts, peanuts, pistachios and cashews.
Walnuts are rich in fiber and vitamins. Walnuts are healthy alternatives, and you can munch on them as snacks. They are rich in omega-3 fats and antioxidants. Additionally, consuming walnuts may help improve brain health and may prevent heart-related diseases and cancer.
How to Add Walnuts to Your Diet?
You can enjoy walnuts either in their natural state or enhance your favorite oatmeal, making it both tastier and more nutritious. Consider adding them as a topping for your banana bread or toss them into your salads for an extra crunch.
Peanuts are also called groundnut and are a great source of protein. You can munch them either steamed or roasted. When you don't have many options for a snack or a meal, you can simply munch on them. Peanuts keep you full for a long time and also satisfy your taste buds.
Research published in the "New England Journal of Medicine" states that daily consumption of peanuts can reduce the risk of heart disease by 29%. Peanuts can also be a good pre-workout snack.
How to Add Peanuts to Your Diet?
Peanuts can be consumed raw, or just add them to your salads to give a crunchy punch. Boil peanuts, add some onions, cucumbers and a choice of your chutney and give it a toss. This will be a perfect midday snack.
Almonds are rich in antioxidants, vitamin E, fiber and magnesium. Antioxidants are required to prevent the free radical that destroys the cell and leads to oxidative stress. The research paper published in NCBI states that consuming walnuts and almonds may reduce the risk of prostate cancer by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation.
Additionally, the research states that the bioactives in nuts contain anticancerogenic potential, which has been proved in pre-clinical studies.
How to Add Almonds to Your Diet?
Almonds are not only delicious but also a nutritious alternative to typical junk food. You can add them into your morning oats cereal or enjoy them in their raw form after soaking them in water overnight.
Pistachios are green in color and have a slightly sweet taste. The kernels of pistachios range from shades of yellow to green. Pistachios are rich in protein and also contain good antioxidant activity. Additionally, they are high in fiber and also promote healthy gut bacteria.
A 2-ounce serving of pistachios contains a higher potassium content than that of a large banana and an equivalent amount of fiber as a cup of cooked broccoli.
Pistachios also have other benefits, like lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels, maintaining a healthy blood glucose level, and aiding in weight loss. However, to reap all the benefits of pistachios, consumption is recommended in moderate quantity.
How to Add Pistachios to Your Diet?
Pistachios contain a tough shell, which keeps them fresh. Once you break open it, consume it to relish its nutrients fully. Pistachios can be consumed raw or add it to your breakfast cereal like oats and granola. You can also garnish your yogurt with pistachios and consume it.
Cashew nuts are white in color and are kidney-shaped. Cashews, when consumed in moderate quantities, promote heart health and support the growth of the bones. Cashew nuts contain minerals like copper, magnesium, phosphorous and zinc and vitamins like B6, E and K, making them an ideal nut to include in the diet.
They are also good sources of fiber, proteins and healthy fats like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.
How to Add Cashews to Your Diet?
You can include up to five cashews in your breakfast cereal or oats or mix them into your upma alongside various vegetables for consumption.
Add cashew paste to your favorite soups, which acts as a natural thickening agent and gives the soup a creamy texture.
Cashews can be perfect for your pre- and post-workout food. Add it to your favorite smoothie, give it a quick mix and consume it.
If you don't have any snacks to munch on and want to opt for good, healthy snacks, just consume a handful of cashews. Also, be mindful of the quantity.
Fruits and Berries
Fruits and berries are rich in both protein and fiber, making them a quick and convenient breakfast option when you're short on time.
Apples are rich in antioxidants, vitamin C and fiber. As the saying goes, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Daily consumption of apples will help strengthen the immune system and improve gut-friendly bacteria.
Apples are packed with fiber, promoting a lasting feeling of fullness that can prevent overeating and support weight management.
How to Include Apples in the Diet?
Apples can be enjoyed raw or as a crunchy addition to your salads. Simply chop an apple into small pieces and use it as a delicious topping for your smoothies or oatmeal. You can also create an apple smoothie to savor as a nutritious mid-day snack.
Bananas are rich in potassium, fiber, antioxidants and vitamin B6, making them a great choice to energize yourself if you miss breakfast. They're also easy to carry and consume on the go – peel and enjoy.
A magnesium deficiency has been associated with a higher likelihood of heart disease. Bananas, which are a rich source of magnesium, can contribute to reducing the risk of heart disease. A research paper titled 'The Global Epidemiology of Hypertension' published on NCBI suggests that a potassium-rich diet can effectively lower blood pressure levels and decrease the risk of hypertension.
How to Include Bananas in Your Diet?
Bananas are easy to include in your daily life. Carry one banana every day and consume it when you feel hungry. You can make a banana smoothie and consume it. Blend banana and honey and garnish with your favorite nuts. Your smoothie is ready to blast.
Blueberries are hailed as a superfood due to their abundant nutritional content. Low in calories and rich in antioxidants, they make an ideal choice for weight management. In comparison to other fruits, blueberries stand out with their high antioxidant levels. So try to include them in your diet daily.
Blueberries contain anthocyanins, which contribute to the nutritional value of the fruit. Research states that regular consumption neutralizes free radicals and protects from aging.
How to Include Blueberries in Your Diet?
Make a blueberry smoothie and consume it. Blend blueberries, bananas and fruits of your choice and consume them. You can also top blueberries to your frozen yogurt and consume it.
Oranges are rich in vitamin C, antioxidants and fiber. Vitamin C is required to strengthen your immune system and to promote good skin health. Citrus fruits like oranges have other nutrients like potassium, phosphorous, copper and essential B vitamins.
Oranges are also a good source of fiber that keeps you full for a long time and aids weight loss. Regular consumption improves digestive health and lowers cholesterol levels.
How to Include Oranges in Your Diet?
Oranges possess a natural sweetness, making them suitable for direct consumption or as freshly squeezed juice. However, it's important to refrain from adding sugar, as it could compromise their health benefits. Another delightful option is incorporating oranges into salads, imparting a subtle sweetness to the overall taste.
Fruits and nuts are convenient and healthy grab-and-go snacks. They provide quick energy and essential nutrients like fiber, carbohydrates, protein, and vitamins. Eating them as mid-day snacks can boost your energy levels and reduce cravings for unhealthy foods. Their high fiber content keeps you feeling full for longer.
Shriram General Insurance offers health insurance plans for individuals and families. It is best to get health insurance when you are healthy, as it can be a lifesaver in the event of an emergency.
1. Who Can Get Health Insurance?
Health insurance can be purchased by anyone, regardless of their health status, and it is best to purchase it when you are healthy. Group health insurance plans can cover families or organizations.
2. Is It Mandatory to Have Health Insurance?
It is not mandatory to have health insurance, but it is advisable to have one. Hospital bills can be expensive, and having health insurance will safeguard you during such emergencies.
3. What is the Minimum and Maximum Age to Get Shriram Health Insurance?
Shriram Health Insurance covers as early as 91 days and to a maximum age of 65 years.