Know about Revised penalties of Indian motor amendment act - SGI


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31 May,2024

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All You Need to Know about Revised penalty clause of Indian motor amendment act 2019


What’s trending now in India?? TikTok? Well, joke apart. Do you have any idea about it? We would say the country is all buzzing around with newly introduced traffic rules and Revised penalty clause of Indian motor amendment act w.e.f. 1st Sept 19. The motor vehicles act which has been updated is what trending all around. Most of the people in India take road safety as granted which is not at all accepted. Recently, a Honda Activa owner caught violating traffic rules in multiple ways. Therefore, he has to pay approx 23,000 rupees as fine which was almost 50 percent of a brand new scooter’s cost. This massive challan amount has stunned people in the country. At least because of these heavy penalties public is finally focusing on traffic rules and safety for themselves. Safety has its own definition for everyone, but it should be a priority for people. It should not be taken as granted At least in today’s era of livelihood. We always have rushed to the offices, schools, colleges and anywhere. It has to be fully secured before you step out of your house. For that, you have to be very particular about safety things.


The new traffic rule is already initiated from 1st Sep 2019 and high penalties are charging for a variety of traffic violations. A maximum fine of ₹10,000 may charge for offenses like driving a vehicle after being disqualified as well as not giving way to emergency vehicles. Offenses like dangerous driving, over-speeding, underage driving, overloading, drink, and drive, etc. The Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill 2019 finally got approved by both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, is already spreading its magic. Also, the clauses that don’t need new rules to be created have been sent to the Law Ministry for further evaluation. Due to the new motor vehicles act, the penalties for driving error has been enhanced as per the transport ministry’s press.


Following are some of the enhancements they have made –

Road Safety: The most crucial thing that finally going up than ever before, is road safety in India for sure. This is actually going to challenge the dull attitude of people towards safety which is the main motive. Not wearing helmet, seatbelt, not following traffic rules is the way public ignoring the traffic rules or other safety measures is not going to help them instead, following will make them safer.


Vehicle fitness: Because of this bill, maintenance of vehicles is also mandatory. The fitness testing will be crucial nowadays to upgrade road worthiness of vehicles and also helps to prevent corruption in the transport department. For intentional violation, it has added penalties to make the environment safe and the impact is overall.


Vehicle national registration for driving license and vehicle registration: The new bill allowed the national registration for driving license and for vehicle registration with the help of government websites Sarathi and Vahan.


Cab services: The overall cab facility will also be regulated under the empowerment of the central government. A proper guideline will be applicable for ride-hailing services that include pricing, women safety and more.


Check out the new penalty amounts under the Motor Vehicle Amendment Act, from 1st September 2019.

Offense Old Challan/Penalty New Challan/Penalty
General ₹ 100 ₹ 500
Rules of road regulation violation ₹ 100 ₹ 500
Disobedience of orders of authorities ₹ 500 ₹ 2,000
Unauthorized use of vehicles without license ₹ 1,000 ₹ 5,000
Driving without licence ₹ 500 ₹ 5,000
Driving despite disqualification ₹ 500 ₹ 10,000
Oversize vehicles N/A ₹ 5,000
Over-speeding ₹ 400 ₹ 1,000
Dangerous driving ₹ 1,000 Up to ₹5,000
Drink driving ₹ 2,000 ₹ 10,000
Speeding/Racing ₹ 500 ₹ 5,000
Vehicle without permit Up to ₹5,000 Up to ₹10,000
Aggregators (violations of licensing conditions) N/A ₹25,000 to ₹1 lakh
Overloading ₹2,000 and ₹1,000 per extra tonne ₹20,000 and ₹2,000 per extra tonne
Overloading of passengers N/A ₹1,000 per extra passenger
Seat belt ₹ 100 ₹ 1,000
Overloading of two-wheelers ₹ 100 ₹2,000 and disqualification of license for 3 months
Helmets ₹ 100 ₹1,000 and disqualification of license for 3 months
Not providing a way for emergency vehicles N/A ₹ 10,000
Driving without insurance ₹ 1,000 ₹ 2,000
Offenses by juveniles N/A Guardian/owner shall be deemed to be guilty. ₹25,000 with 3 years’ imprisonment. Juvenile will be tried under the JJ Act. Registration of the vehicle will be canceled.
Power of officers to impound documents N/A Suspension of driving licenses
Offenses committed by enforcing authorities N/A Twice the penalty under the relevant section

[Source: Times Now]



Following are the safety measures you should follow to avoid paying such hefty penalties –

Wear a helmet while riding two-wheeler: Definitely you have to wear a helmet without a doubt because it keeps your head secure like a shield inside it. Riding a bike without a helmet is a direct offense of traffic law, also you are inviting risk that may hurt you a lot. Buying two wheeler insurance on of the ways to stop violating traffic rules.


Put on seatbelt: While driving a car always remember to wear seatbelt because it protects you from uneven socks on road. Seating in the car with all comfort listening to music or texting can lead you to unfortunate events. It is important to be alert while you drive and keep an eye on surroundings as well. If you have a car never forget to buy a car insurance.


Always check for pedestrians: Yes, people walking on the road need some space. Therefore, while driving always look for them and think of their security too. Avoid this error as this can put you in danger.


Obey traffic rules: Obeying traffic rule is a must, you have been learning it since childhood in school. The red for stop, yellow for getting ready and green one to go. Same guidelines you should follow your entire life because that only makes you safe from uncertain tragedy. But most of the people neglect instead of knowing the consequences


Carry your driving license, insurance documents: Whenever you are with your vehicle on road, never forget to carry driving license as well as insurance documents along with you. This is how you may avoid doing traffic errors.


Due to the new changes, the public is quite curious to know more about the newly implemented motor vehicles act, 2019. Before, they were not bothering about traffic laws and insurance systems. Presently, 63 clauses have been released in India from the bill that seeks to amend the original act. These clauses tend to fulfill a variety of aspects such as fitness, protection of the Good Samaritan, cab aggregators, driver training and road safety for sure. The Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill 2019 finally got approved by both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, is already spreading its magic. Also, the clauses that don’t need new rules to be created have been sent to the Law Ministry for further evaluation.


Conclusively, the implementation of all new law made a historical moment in the country so far. Always stay alert because your only concern for safety can save others too. Well, with all these amendments there is a hope for a safe and secure India ahead. What do think about such big change? Is this positive change or something more needs to be added to the list of improvement?


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